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Shrine to ALF
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Shrine to the greatest sitcom hero, ALF. That stands for Alien Life Form. Stupid. This is dedicated to ALF. Best of all, I have a new guard on this page to make sure Krave and Sparky dont ruin it. Enjoy!


ALF says Hello from his stupid laundry basket!


ALF sitting at the table. .........And going to eat breakfast.


ALF could not have picked a dorkier family. But what does not kill ALF.....makes his murderous powers stronger. Hee hee hee.


"Haha, hi family!" "Hi Dad!" "Yeah hi,so how was your d- Hey, wait a second. Where is ALF?"


"Looking for me, dumbass?" laughs ALF as he steps out of the kitchen. "Heh! Laugh Out Loud!" screamed ALF as he chomped a banana with a maniacal glint in his eyes. "I'm Mini-Me! Come get me! Cats! Eat!"

I fear for our safety.


ALF making sure he has all the right equipment for his devilish plan to take over and destroy McDonalds and their evil burgers......Hee.


Hey look! It's ALF! And he's getting drunk on wine! Ahahaha! Nice one, ALF! Ha ha! What a joker!

ALF was a succesful TV show until poor ALF was taken off the air by the greedy fast food company known as McDonalds. Screw those onion eaters! ALF shall return to make a new movie. In the year 2008 he will make a movie named "ALF: The movie".
Well, maybe. That's what I hope. But I also hope ALF has earned a place in your heart for his innocence of mind. Please help the war against McDonalds! By the way this has nothing to do with the fact I dont really like McDonalds.

In conclusion, I leave you with the image hopefully all of you will percieve as ALF: loyal, trustworthy, and always does the right thing.


"Hello? 911? Yes, I am reporting that a certain Mr. Tanner has been suspected of certain allegations. The charges? Oh, yes, er....Child abuse! Yyeah that's it, he abuses his two children and also beats his wife. He also believes in an imaginary alien he calls 'Alf', but he's just not right in the head."