Steve Shady Dot Com
Meet Sparky and Krave
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Welcome! Every good thingy needs mascots, and my site is no exception. Please meet my mascots, Sparky and Krave!

All mascots are owned by TM Steve Shady Enterprise.
S.B. 2002-2003

Over here we have the disgustingly cute Sparky, the Fire Fox from Hell! Aint that cute! Dont mind his hot temper, underneath his fur lives a bunch of fleas. ....What? did you expect me to say "heart of gold" or something?

Sparky profile: Living in damnation for over 500 years gets to be a pain in the arse, after a while. Spark was tired of being a Cerberus wannabe, he didnt have any purpose. Being the resourceful hound he is, he managed to hitch a ride out of The Red Down Under and up on Earth, where he saw an ad in the paper for a needed mascot. After chopping the heads off both the little former hobo mascots, he claimed the throne as the top dog. Or hellhound. Take your pick.


Alright, over here we have Sparky's partner in crime and also assistant mascot, Krave the Werewolf! Krave bears strange dark powers that can do lots of evil things. Like lifting a desk with his mind. Or shooting out demons at you. Or eating Oscar Meyer bologna. He is truly evil. Well okay,not really all that evil. About 34% evil.


Yes. The werewolf, Krave, formed an unlikely alliance with Sparky because of I dont know. But watch out for this guy. His back story is he one day just appeared outta nowhere in particular, kinda. Well alright, I admit there is a story behind him, but it's kind of boring and drawn out and really goes nowhere. So for that reason your just going to have to do what everyone else does and pretend he was hatched from an ostrich egg.


Bruce The Chameleon!

Here is Bruce the Chameleon, best friend of Krave and Sparky. He, like all good chameleons, can change color and has a long sticky tongue. He is a carefree lil' lizard with not a burden in the world. He could swing in the trees for hours. He likes grapes especially. Wine, grape juice, grapes, green or purple grapes also, but not raisins. Which is the reason his goal in life is store all grapes in a cool, dry place.


This here is Aura. She is a rare Sphinx. You know, those gold lion things from Egypt? Yep, that's it.

Aura is from a long line of sphinx. And they are really rare. She is the last one left. That's why a high paying job like being a mascot is good for keeping people like Aura off the really endangered species list. Actually I pay my mascots nothing. I fooled them, you see, with a real clever plan. Whenever they ask "When am I GONNA GET PAYED?" I simply say "Soon, maybe next week". Of course, "nex week" never comes. Ha! Ha! ...Oh, yeah, Aura's profile. Well, she can make stuff outta gold and can control Light. ....Heh, I'm so clever.


Standing proudly over here is CAPTAIN ZERO! Super Hero! There's nothing he can't do!

High off the success of his brand new comic(Which *I* made...feel free to applaud)Captain Zero is a full fledged mascot now! His power's, he has a Kung Fu Kick, and a sword called the Blade Of Justice. With these two stupid things in his tiny but effective arsenal, he can do different things. Like his sword can cut tomatoes. Or he could just save the day.


Here is the MIGHTY FIZZ! You may remember Fizz from VTM Comic #10, where he helped me conquer the world, sort of. But anyway, this is him!

Fizz is a weird stick figure reperesenting my worst artistic ability. Take all the stupid retarded things in the world, you get Fizz. Actually you would get Japanese cartoons, but let's go back to Fizz. He will randomly make appearances and cameos in comics or in the site. So, watch out! He is very, very hungry.