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This is Sparky. Aint he cute.

Hey yo! I'm Sparky, of the much loved web hosts that helps Steve maintain the place! Steve thought I was fit for the job,as well as my friend Krave. But I know its just a ruse to help this website get money,chicks,and m-16 machine guns. Thank You.




LMFAO. ALF!!!!!!!

Update: In honor of ALF Appretiation Day, we will interview the famous dog-thing. Here as follow.

Me: So, how is life?

Alf: Well, Its been alot of cheese stuff.
I had beans for Break fast.

Me: I see........

Alf: I want jihad! Huge BLOODY JIHAD! I WANT J-


The interview was cut short when suddenly Vice President Dick Cheney opened fire on the poor ALF. So, I end it here.

Bye ALF. Bye. And to put it in Krave and Sparkys words, "Thank You" for the show.

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