Steve Shady Dot Com
History of Shade
Home | The Mouse(TM) | The ALF Shrine | THIS IS OUR PAGE | Updates and News | History of Shade | Useless Page | Favorite Links | Movie Reviews | Total Mindless Dribble | VTM Comics | Meet the Mascots! | 1st Year Anniversary!

This section of the site will explain better what the site is, where it has been going, and stupid info like that. I would go more in-depth but this intro is really boring and goes nowhere. So, let us begin.

It all started one day. The day of February the 18th, 2002.  I was
bored. I stumbled upon Tripod and Lycos, a web site company thing.
I thought, "hell, why not". Thus, I went to work.
           At first, it was just a stupid joke site with nothing but a Wall of Shame hosting stuff I didn't like, and afew Gamera pictures. It was during this time I started using game sprites o make my own very bad comics. The rendering was horrible but at least it had humor. And class.
It took me weeks to figure out how to put a damn jpeg file onto the site.....yeah,I was pretty dumb. Then, the site became the host for my Nintendo comics. They were churned out a good pace. I was content.
So I engulfed myself with new ideas. What if ....and Where is...and How cool woul this be......But, ideas like a card game, the cemetary, and Battle Republic were scrapped. In fact, I still have not made card games. Psh, it was a dumb idea anyway.
I always liked the nintendo comics, but I also liked characters of my OWN kind more. I used to characters from a game and claimed them as my own(but not for long. After all,they WERE copyrighted.)  I liked having my two mascots. They even spawned new material for the site.
Like THIS IS OUR PAGE, and Meet the Mascots(Both of which are still up, but now feature two other guys). The mascots names?
Frank and Sparky. Sound a bit familiar?
It wa sat this time the comics sucked up my bandwith fast. I had to do something. I also didnt want the stupid lawn gnome idiot mascots anymore. Something had to be done.
And it came to pass.
The VTM comics stayed, but a bunch of useless music and videos were cut. Also, two HOMEGROWN mascots arrived. Sparky was a Fire Fox. Jackel was a shell-less turtle with a cape. Both were kinda Sonic the Hedgehog stylized. However, you really couldn't tell that much at all. The quotes and stuff remained the same, but the pictures changed.
It was the year 2003 now. Comics and the site in general were doing very well.  Since I now had my own little band of mascots made by myself, I was ready to start my own comic with them. VTM officially retired. 
The Site also turned a year old. Yay.
One month after the joyous celebration of the 1 year, somehting happened.....
My 21.mb of space on the site had ran out. I had to face the fact that I could not fit the main site AND comics on the same account. I did something drastic.....
I made a NEW account! I moved all the comics to the new account site.
A few days later, something even bigger happened.....
The crappy old style mascots were redone! Sparky was given a cool new look. Jackel was killed off in place for the new, better mascot, Krave the Werewolf.
However, it was at this time my computer suffered the biggest meltdown ever. I lost the last 3 VTM comics, all of which were FANTASTIC. That really sucked that I lost em.
At this time I finally was concentrating on the comic with all my mascots....Hybrids. I also made Captain Zero, another idiot mascot with a comic.
And as I write this, it is weeks past the second anniversary of this site.
Who knows what await it?
To those who stumble upon this site, congratulations. You are witness
to a legacy in progress.
Heh. Yeah right.
But seriously....that whole essay was pretty deep, eh?
Was not that the ultimate of legacy?
Huh? Huh?
Ah, shut your mouth. I would like to see YOU do better.
Yeah that's what I thought.
THE END. For Now.

Congratulations! You finished it!
Your prize is a coconut sammich!