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The Mouse(TM)
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Welcome to the page of one of the most recognized mascots in my VTM comic......the endless entity known as.................
........THE MOUSE(TM)!!!!!!!!


Here we see the mouses journeys throughout the world, since he has the mighty brain, and your simple minds pale in comparison.


Here we see The Mouse with the late, great, Dave Williams, lead singer of Drowning Pool( Alas, shame he passed away...they were a good band. Anyway, the mouse likes DP too, so he was all too happy to take a picture.


And here is The Mouse with my childhood hero from the 90's........CHUCK NORRIS! THE MAN WHO IS GOOD WITH NUNCHAKUS! You may have seen him on this west show, or just plain kicking ass on any ninja-thingy. Anyway, I here hes training some new students. He mentioned something about a vampire or Vampyro-thing being his top student.....hmmm.  


AND HERE WE HAVE.........Rin Tin Tin! The canine cop who had his own sitcom series in the 80s and 90s....I used to watch his show. I mean....if you dont know who the hell Rin Tin Tin is or was, you can just die. I mean, really. Who needs fruity lil Lassie when you have this can o whupass German Shepard dog cop? Geez....


.............C'mon, you KNEW it was gonna happen. Mousey got a pic with the legendary sitcom hero himself, ALF.


And here The Mouse gets a picture with one of his favorite stars, BEEBO, the cat what has facial hair. He is from, and he has his own little show there. Here we see the Mouse and BEEBO lighting a bud. BEEBO had a bit too much, and unlucky for Mouse, he accidently got flushed down a toilet.....


Ever play Mortal Kombat? The Mouse has! And boy was he lucky when the toilet sewer pipe launched him onto Scorpion, killing him forever. Sub Zero was so grateful for winning the tournament he heaved the Mouse onto his shoulder and took a picture as a souveneir. Man, Mouse gets all the fun!


Behind every bad person there is an even badder mouse. And man, was the Mouse ever bad when he took THIS photo. Dont ask who took the pic. It was probably Eddie the Squirrel, that gangster.


Ah, great. It looks liek the cat's outta the bag. Literally. Inviso the Cat must've snuck in here. Please dont eat the mouse!!!

Coming soon.........PICS OF THE MOUSES(TM) PHOTO ALBUM!!!